Environmental Policy

We are proud to boast that we were the first company of our kind to be awarded an environmental permit by Medway Council.
We aim always to minimise any negative environmental impacts of our business and it’s operations.
The following summarises our environmental policy statement.
Custom Wytelyne Powder Coating Ltd provides a range of powder coating and related services to the business community that we serve.
Within our activities we recognise that our services and operations can have an effect on the environment. Wherever it is reasonable to do so we shall seek to maximise our positive impacts and minimise our negative impacts on the environment.
In our activities we shall, therefore:
Comply with the requirements of environmental legislation and approved codes of practice
Assess the environmental impact of all historic, current and likely future operations
Continuously seek to improve environmental performance
Reduce waste and identify ways to reduce pollution where possible
Recycle our waste which includes: paper, cardboard, plastics, cans and ink cartridges
Raise awareness, encourage participation and train employees in environmental matters
Expect similar environmental standards from all suppliers and contractors
Encourage customers to use products and services in an environmentally sensitive way
Participate in discussions about environmental issues
This policy statement has been approved and endorsed by the directors.