Health & Safety
At Custom Wytelyne, we take Health & Safety very seriously. All staff are trained in all aspects of maintaining a safe and healthy environment both for employees and visitors to our site.
The following outlines our Health & Safety Policy Statement. A full copy is available for inspection upon request.
Custom Wytelyne Powder Coating Ltd
Health & Safety Policy Statement.
We at Custom Wytelyne Powder Coating Ltd recognise our duties under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 and the accompanying protective legislation. We will endeavour to meet the requirements of this legislation so as to ensure that we maintain a safe and healthy working environment. Our managers and supervisory staff are informed of their responsibilities to ensure they take all reasonable precautions, to ensure the safety, health and welfare of those that are likely to be affected by our undertaking.
Custom Wytelyne Powder Coating Ltd recognises so far as is reasonably practicable the duty to ensure the following:
- To provide and maintain a safe place of work, safe systems of work, safe equipment and a healthy and safe working environment.
- To provide information, instruction and training as is necessary to ensure employees and others are assured of a safe and healthy working environment.
- Promoting the awareness of health and safety and encouraging health and safety best practice throughout our organisation.
- To ensure we are taking the appropriate protective and preventative measures.
- To ensure that we have access to competent advice and are able to secure compliance with our statutory duties
In order that we can achieve our objectives, and ensure our employees recognise their duties under health and safety legislation whilst at work, we must ensure that we inform them of their duty to take reasonable care of themselves and others that may be affected by their activities. We ensure our employees are informed of their obligations to ensure they cooperate with management and adhere with Custom Wytelyne Powder Coating Ltd safety rules which are provided within the Employee Safety Handbook.