Pre-treatment processes
Custom Wytelyne offer a range of advanced stripping and cleaning processes using the highest quality application equipment available.

Material Stripping
Custom Wytelyne is proud to be the only provider of chemical stripping and re-coating in the South East.
Our process using Benzyl Alcohol is able strip paint and coatings on aluminium, steel and cast iron without affecting the surface of the material or tolerance.
- Restoration
- Less scrap generated if damaged
- Corporate colour change
- Redundant, damaged or scratched stock rectified to a superior standard
- Environmentally friendly and certified process
Stage 1
Alkaline Cleaner: Aluminum is a dirty metal. At this stage, we get rid of grease and dirt caused during transport.
Stage 2
Towns water rinse: rinses off alkaline, don’t want alkaline in acid.
Stage 3
Acid Etch: removes smuts, acid etch allows you to create a coating on the surface of the processed detail, which, at the same time, removes some of the microparticles and degreases it, significantly improving the strength conditions and adhesion of the sprayed powder, which results in a significant extension of the service life of powder-coated coatings.
Stage 4
Running Water Rinse: Demin water: backflow from tank 6
Stage 5
Chromate: protects the aluminum material against corrosion. Be careful at this stage, too high conversion layer may cause the powder to chip off, while too low a coating may result in insufficient protection.
Stage 6
Demin water: Backflow From tank 7
Stage 7
Deionised water: final rinse. (Deionised water; water that has been filtered to remove negative and positive ions)
7 stage chromate
Pre-treating aluminium
Our 7 Stage Chrome/Phosphate immersion system is designed to pre-treat aluminium profiles up to 6 metres in length. This system is also used for the preparation of hot dipped galvanised products.
Our tanks have a capacity of 3000 litres and items up to 6500 x 900 x 500 can be treated. Please always check with us first regarding weight, dimensions and drainage.
Our stringent quality tests following pre-treatment ensure that every product meets the British Standard EN-12206-1:2004 with minimum of 40 microns and an average of 50 microns.

Steel Treatments
We offer a variety of treatment options for steel including:
- 7 Stage and Coat
- Degrease and Coat
- Degrease, Prime and Coat
- Shotblast Prime and Coat
- De-gas Galvanised Steel
Stage 1
Lektrosoak Extra: Removes oil and grease from the surface.
Stage 2
Rinses off alkaline.
Stage 3
Super Acidet: Removes Mill scale and rust. Wherever steel works is welded, its adding carbon. This stage remove the carbon.
Stage 4
Stage 5
Gardolene - A titanium-based product designed to create a fine-grained phosphate coating on steel and zinc. This is done to control the deposition of phosphate crystals to improve the adhesion of the PPC to the substrate.
Stage 6
Sophisticated “tricat” phosphate: phosphate is a non-metallic, crystalline coating that chemically adheres to the substrate. Being very adherent, zinc phosphate form an uniform coating which increase the powder coating adhesion properties, and giving better coating in recessed areas along with better corrosion resistance.
Stage 7
7 stage zinc phosphate
In preparation for powder coating.
This system is designed to remove mill-scale, oxide dirt, oil and grease from the substrate and deposit a fine zinc phosphate on to mild steel, zintec, galvanized components in preparation for powder coating.
Our tanks have a capacity of 3000 litres and items up to 2000 x 1200 x 900 can be treated. Please always check with us first regarding weight, dimensions and drainage.
Zinc Phosphate is used in the automotive industry and is therefore particularly suitable for products designed for exterior use.

Excellent service and product finish
Excellent service and product finish
We have installed a new De-min Plant as a part of our continuous investment here at Custom Wytelyne, allowing us to continue in providing an excellent service and product finish to our customers.
This investment in equipment will make the final rinse cleaner to ensure substrate surfaces is more durable and improve the quality of the rinse in the region of max 40 microns (measure of conductivity, purity of final rinse water) compared to the 600 microns pre-investment.

Shot blasting and Stainless Steel Bead Blasting
This process is the ideal preparatory operation for achieving the best surface adhesion for coating or painting.
We use chilled iron in our 12 x 12 ft shot blast room or Aluminium Oxide in our hand-blast cabinets for smaller parts. Abrasive particles are fired at the component removing surface contaminants.
Our shot blasting service is in accordance with ISO 8501-1:2007. We use SA 2.5 bullets, which provide excellent accuracy in removing grease, dirt, oxide scale, rust, paint coating or any other additives.

New lab facility
More accuracy
We have installed a new lab facility. This enables us to more accurately control quality and chemical requirements.

Get a quote today!
If you want great service, powder coating reliability and guaranteed quality at competitive prices, contact us now to discuss your needs with one of our friendly, professional team.
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